Thursday, February 12, 2015


(Pic: Colors, and you)

Every time you dance to a tune
I see swirls of blue
That fill me with vortexes
...And I revel.

And once when you sat there
In your creamish glory
The radiance was blinding
...And me, numbed.

Radiance so white
It has the rainbow in it
Fused with all its colors
...And my sighs.

And every time I sneak a look
Through your glasses
Those colors in your pupils whirl
...And I play.

Surely, you must be the mistress
Of every color I knew
For when you spread them color my world.

1. Celebrating Holi a little before than it usually is :)
2. I still have to decide what I like more - Black & White or Colors or perhaps both.
3. Irrespective of 2., I do like the feel of a Black and White picture getting colored.
4. One perspective of "Let me color you in a thousand colors".

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