Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Blue Moon

(Picture Courtesy: Moon)

In a lucid moment in time,
Thoughts still...
An eager will-
Exuberance all and air sublime...

Silvery coins with bluish chime,
Their subtle thrill...
...in innocuous chill-
It all seemed a stupendous mime...

Not to mention this aura azure,
The blue moon,
The avid urge to croon...
Eyes demure,
An impending boon...
And echoing words- I'll have thee soon...


1. For a change I decided it'd be trendy NOT to be
the weeping philosopher at least once.

2. Of course the poem is about the blue moon.
This year started off with a blue moon FYI.

3. I've been writing less lately but dont blame me.

                 --- 8X ---
Me: "I really really really need some inspiration...
If I dont get any inspiration... god knows what
I'll do... God I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

friend1: "Ha ha ha... hee hee hee :D"
                 --- X8 ---

                 --- 8X ---
Me: "I really really really need some inspiration...
If I dont get any inspiration... god knows what
I'll do... God I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

friend2(pitifully): "I understand you..."

Me: "emmm...of course..."
                 --- X8 ---

                 --- 8X ---
Me1: "I really really really need some inspiration...
If I dont get any inspiration... god knows what
I'll do... God I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!"

Me2: "I heard the grocers shop o'er there sells inspirations..."

Me1(blushing): "Hard luck... rotten inspirations those... fresh where?"
                 --- X8 ---


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sigh! Too late to change mind, :D 1. I forgot there's always an email notification about a comment along with the post itself. 2. Blog admin is kind enough to leave a note of post removal. >.> So I'm reposting/pasting my comment. :D

    hahahaha your babbling, in this particular poem, is far more interesting than the poem itself. And I'm not saying that the peom wasn't an interesting read.

    I came upon your blog while doing some addmittedly-sleazy snooping (watch out for your fb privacy settings. If the sharing isn't intentionally public then you are a victim of timeline :p). I cannot help but mention, however, (at the cost of coming off as something of a creep and horrible spy) a statement made by a friend once, forcefully reminded by your babbles in this poem and a few others.

    "M..... are many!"

    Curious! It wouldn't be the first time that I've come across a "mono" in the past 6 years. And I wonder how many more are out there at the same time. All moving at the same pace, stuck almost at the same level, a few lost, others waiting .. waiting! May be it's a change-after-every-decade thing. And No, I know nothing more than they know of their secret voyage, far less in fact. I just had the coincidence of meeting one after the other in a short span of time. And now if I say, "I understand", I do ... "Belief" is a strange but powerful thing.

    That was my babble. Forgive me ...

    If you're still looking for inspiration. I suggest you Google and read "monomyth" if you haven't already.;)

    BTW you write really good. :)

  3. Of the thousands of things I could say in reply to your post, I'll just say it did move me (as the intent seemed to be). And I did read about monomyth and now you scare me... Why? You must be wondering... If you dont figure it out in a decent amount of time - then ping me again. I'll let you know.

  4. My intend was neither to nudge, nor to scare you. The post above was a spur of a moment thing, reaction to your babble, is more like so. And Nope, not wondering, it's kinda obvious :D.

    I'd be revisiting this blog time to time, anyway. Your poems are interesting and much 'fun' to read.

  5. ....And you're always welcome to the Flask. Not many people find my poems 'fun' though. We'll see how long they remain 'fun' for you... The timer starts --- now! :)
