Monday, August 10, 2009

A Night in July

One night, in yet another day,
As I sat still, mulling in dismay...
Of reason devoid and short of hope,
Balancing myself, on a treacherous slope...

The night, of many things it spoke,
Things which, mixed feelings evoke...
For the looming darkness hath fright,
While the soothing moon radiated light...

It was a laugh that broke the trance,
Laughing life, with silence of a glance...
A laugh that held the tinkle of bells,
Like rising waves, when the ocean swells...

The sight itself purged all grief,
Removing shadows, reinforcing belief...
Aye! It was the sight that changed the night,
With darkness gone, the world seemed bright...

All this I remembered with a sigh,
'twas a night of magic, that night in July...


  1. what are you wasting your life as a software engineer for. i do it because i am not good at anything else :)

  2. dude!!! seriously a flask??[:)]you could have used large hadron collider....anyways poetry is good..but seriously poetry is good although i doubt how a dull software job left such creativity in you...i mean i feel our life is stuck in a loop with little variation every get what i am saying?

  3. Of course I get exactly what you mean to say when you use the word "loop". Thats what my previous post "One day, Everyday" was about......

  4. Dear Crimson,I really loved your poem indicating hope prevailing over frustration. I went through the poem several times and each time it went into my soul deep and deep.I loved the lines:
    "It was a laugh that broke the trance,
    Laughing life, with silence of a glance...
    A laugh that held the tinkle of bells,
    Like rising waves, when the ocean swells..."
    Keep it up................dear

  5. I am not sure why my previous post did not make it, but seriously bro you have to think of a different career !!!

  6. As I wrote somewhere in my blog,
    "If wishes were horses... then beggars would ride!" :)

    Thanks a lot for your comments though. It
    sounds encouraging... :)
